Our School Profile

In 1949, Father John Ryan OMI, Parish Priest of St Kieran’s, invited the Presentation Sisters to open a school there to cater for the large numbers of families who were coming to the area to help develop the power stations at Yallourn. The Sisters accepted his invitation, and in 1950, the school opened under the leadership of Mother Catherine Curtin. The majority of the students were from Europe and had very limited English. Class sizes were between 90 and 100. These early families, who were struggling to establish themselves in a new country, worked side by side with those who were born here to establish solid buildings, incorporating a church and hall. A strong sense of community and sharing was born and still exists today. The Sisters staffed the school until 1994 when Sister Verna Carroll PBVM finished her term as Principal. The school, however, retains the strong Presentation ethos in its emphasis on pastoral care.
The school currently has approximately 175 students and a staff of 25. There are eight classes. We have a two straight Foundation classes in their own separate double classroom enabling one end of the room to contain elements of play-based learning and Science Inquiry areas where oral language, sharing and social development is strategically emphasised during the afternoons. In our double storey building we have a straight Grade 1, Grade 2, two Grade 3/4s and two Grade 5/6s. We provide a stimulating educational environment, which develops critical, independent learners. We offer an extensive and challenging curriculum with specialist classes held in Performing Arts, Creative Arts, Mandarin, Digital Technology, Tennis and Physical Education. We value the learning of each child and provide extra support in a wide range of areas including literacy and numeracy intervention at both ends of the learning scale. These include debating, public speaking, cooperative learning, an integrated approach to the key learning areas, literature-based reading program (combined with guided reading for emerging readers). Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI), Running with Numbers (Targeted maths intervention combining key place value scaffolding with physical movements involving jumping, balls and running.) Sacramental programs each incorporate three parent-child activity sessions.
Our dedicated and caring staff is supported by parental participation in nearly all of our activities, as well as by the Parents and Friends Committee and the School Advisory Board.
At St Kieran’s we value the uniqueness of each member of our school community and strive to fulfil each person in the spirit of our Christian mission every day.
St Kieran’s logo shows happy children playing and learning in an environment where the church is in a prominent place. This is symbolic of our school and what you will see every day if you choose to come and tour St Kieran’s.
This year, in mid 2021, will see the completion of a major refurbishment focusing on a new Foundation Hub, new flexible learning spaces, an elevator and a new administration area with access from Lloyd Street. Internal toilets in all buildings and SALTO security locks for all internal fences makes St Kieran's a very safe and inviting school for the Moe Community.